
If you are taking part in any of our events

Welcome to Overlimits

As valued members of our vibrant community, your personal and professional growth is our priority.

Whether you’re refining leadership skills, exploring event management, or enhancing presentation abilities, our diverse programs are designed to help you exceed limits and realise your potential.
Join us in shaping a brighter future.

Welcome to Overlimits

Our FREE treks are for corporate and or charity clients who are booked onto an event or for previous clients who wish to join us too. 

If you want to come along and join us and are not taking part in a charity fundraising event or part of a company event or you haven’t taken part in a paid for event prior, the charges are as follows:

Adult (16 years or over) £30.00 pp

Child (under 16) Free of charge 

The FREE treks are designed and built into our annual activity schedule to provide:

• Advice on the event that you wish to take part in.

• Advice on clothing, footwear, rucksacks, or another item that is needed to complete your challenge. 

• Advice on preparedness. 

• Advice on staying local or travelling in. 

• Advice on getting fit for the event. 

• Advice on sport recovery from training. 

• Advice on nutrition for your event. 

• Questions and answers – anything remotely linked to the event we aim to assist you with.

To give you a route that will often have one, all or a combination of the following:  

Steep hill/s – Forest trails – Rivers/streams – stunning locations with parking / access.

The dates for our FREE treks 2024

Location TBA = details of where we be, timings etc. TO BE ADVISED on here or on our Facebook page. Search for overlimits: Facebook (click on the link) 

Aug 03rd Pen y Ghent circular. 
Meet at 09:00am at the wooden footbridge in Horton in Ribblesdale (next to the Crown Inn)

  • Pen y Ghent to Hull Pot – back to Horton via the Pennine Way route (up Whitber Hill) and back via the waterfall Brants Gill Head.
  • On this walk, we shall share hints and tips on using walking poles, with a demonstration on how to set them up for steep ground (for going up and down)
  • How to use your pack for easy access to the poles
  • We will also be discussing other gear such as waterproofs, base layers, types of socks, boots vs trail shoes, etc.
  • Question and answers on how to complete the Y3P.

Aug 17th Ingleborough circular from RibbleheadCANCELLED as of 08/08 due to staff unavailability
Meet at 09:00am at the Station Inn – Ribblehead.

Station Inn to Ingleborough via Park Fell circular. This route takes us through the nature reserve and former viaduct quarry that sits behind Ribblehead train station. We go up the steep flank of Park Fell and onto the flatter route to the summit of Inglebough before heading back via Humphrey Bottom, calling into the cafe at Philpin Farm and returning via Winterscales Beck and under the amazing Ribblehead Viaduct.

On this walk, we shall also share hints and tips on using walking poles, with a demonstration on how to set them up for steep ground (for going up and down)

  • How to use your pack for easy access to the poles
  • We will also be discussing other gear such as waterproofs, base layers, types of socks, boots vs trail shoes etc.
  • Question and answers on how to complete the Y3P.

All treks will be approximately 8-16 miles – check each trek’s distance. 

For the kit list see the question listed under participants. 

You will be sent a comprehensive kit list that is tailored for the event that you are taking part in.

It will be within your joining instructions.


For those who wish to come along and join us on any of our FREE treks this is what you should have with you / wear etc. Before you join us always check weather forecast and carry appropriate equipment. 


Kit list – generic


  • A hat that covers the ears
  • Sunglasses / eye protection 
  • Baselayer that isn’t cotton 
  • A fleece or suitable warm outer layer 
  • Full waterproofs 
  • Suitable walking trousers 
  • Proper walking socks (thick/merino or other wool type socks) 
  • Suitable footwear (Outdoor boots / hiking trainers etc)
  • Day sack that has a hip belt
  • Flask with hot drink 
  • Water at least 2 Litres 
  • Food / refreshments 
  • Any medication that you need 
  • First aid kit
  • Emergency whistle / poncho / foil blanket (overlimits do sell these) 
  • Mobile phone / charger / cable 
  • Money or means to buy refreshments on the route 

Getting lost is far from unusual and happens often.
Getting lost is not always the problem – not being able to recover from being lost often can be.
Here are a few hints and tips to get you on your way safely.

Stop – do not go any further

Stay calm, getting lost happens

Establish location if possible

Create a plan and once you have a plan, communicate it to all.

Keep your group together

Ensure a mobile phone is on at all times, switch off those not needed – conserve battery power. 

Call 999 ask for Mountain Rescue and follow their instruction

iPhone users download SARLOC (MR will use it to locate you)

Conduct a resources check, food, clothing and water shared equally.

Identify a location that Mountain Rescue can access

Check available daylight and use that time wisely

Find a place to stay safe overnight should you be benighted

Ensure emergency kit, torch and spare batteries are easily accessible

Take a compass bearing to your last known position

Use 6 whistle blasts per min for rescue, heard replies are 3 blasts

To send a TEXT to 999 Send the word “register” to 999 You will receive a message about the service.

When you have read the message, reply with ‘yes’ (in a text message to 999) You will receive a further message confirming registration

If sending someone for help always send at least 2 people and ensure no one is left on their own. 

Torchlight – as per whistle blasts, flash the light 6 times per minute.

If rescued by helicopter shine the light onto the ground not at the helicopter.

Remain calm, remain focused and remain positive.

Terms and Conditions for Overlimits Events


  • Company: “Overlimits,” providing services advertised on this website.
  • Customer: Any person, firm, company, or legal entity purchasing products or services from the company, including their employees, agents, or sub-contractors.
  • Service: Any course, accommodation, event, or facility the company offers.
  • Contract: An agreement between the company and the customer to provide products or services.
  • Statutory Interest: Interest as defined by the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.
  • Terms and Conditions: These terms and conditions of provision.

Applicability: These terms and conditions are incorporated into the contract and prevail over any other terms from the customer or implied by custom or practice. Other terms are expressly rejected.


  • A contract is formed when the company acknowledges accepting the customer’s booking form and/or required pre-event direct or indirect payment.  
  • All participants must complete a booking form with the company or its event partners and adhere to the company’s safety regulations or pre-event administrative requirements such as next of kin details or medical information requests.
  • The contract is subject to the availability of the course/event/activity and the customer’s acceptance of these terms and conditions.
  • Participants must be over 16 years old unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
  • Participants under 16 must have permission from a parent/guardian, who must be aware of and accept the risks involved. They must be always accompanied by a parent/guardian on the same activity.
  • Overlimits challenges, events, and activities are physically demanding. It is the responsibility of participants to ensure they have the appropriate fitness and health to participate. Customers must acknowledge the risks of accidents and personal injury.
  • Medical Conditions and Participation Policy
    Medical Clearance: If you have any medical conditions that could be affected by exercise (e.g., heart conditions, any respiratory illness in the last 3 months, diabetes), or if you have any health doubts, please obtain written clearance from your doctor and provide it to Overlimits before participating.

    Doctor’s Note: If requested by Overlimits, submit a doctor’s note at least one week before the event. Without this, your registration will not be processed, and participation will be denied.
    Disclosure: Fully disclose any medical conditions or changes before the event. Failure to do so may invalidate your insurance and put others at risk.
    Accuracy: Ensure your fitness and medical details are accurate and updated upon registration on the event day. Inaccuracies may result in the cancellation of your registration, with fees retained.
    Health Declaration: Declare any previous health issues (e.g., heart, back, spinal, pregnancy, eye conditions) that may affect you during or after the event.

  1. Safety
    All participants must adhere to safety instructions provided by Overlimits or any member of the safety or administration team, by any means during the event.
  2. Mandatory Attendance:
    All participants must attend the scheduled safety briefing before the start of the walking session. The briefing provides essential information on safety protocols, route details, and emergency procedures.
  3. Late Arrivals:
    Participants who arrive late and miss the safety briefing will not be allowed to join the walking session without permission from the event lead. 
    We do have a late arrivals policy, so if you are running late it is vital that you call us at the first opportunity or you will not be allowed to take part in the event.
  4. Alternative safety brief arrangements:
    If you anticipate being late, please contact the event organiser as soon as possible. We may be able to provide an alternative briefing session, subject to availability and at the discretion of the event manager.
  5. Rescheduling:
    Walkers who miss the safety briefing and are unable to join the session will be offered an alternative date to participate in the event. No refunds will be provided for missed sessions due to late arrival.
  6. Responsibility:
    It is the responsibility of each participant to arrive on time and attend the safety briefing. Failure to do so may result in exclusion from the event for safety reasons. If you are running late, please inform the event organiser immediately to discuss possible options.
  7. Cut-off Times:
    For the Yorkshire 3 Peaks, the cut-off time is 3:45 PM at Philpin Farm.  Only under exceptional circumstances, and at the event manager’s discretion, will anyone be permitted to continue beyond this time.  The decision will be based on weather, guide availability, and the participant’s physical and mental state.  The event manager’s decision is final, and anyone attempting to continue may be stopped to ensure your safety and or the safety of others.
  8. Wanting to push on without a guide/mountain leader
    Participants should contact organisers for advice during the event and may be issued safety equipment such as a tracker, put on a tracking app or given a walkie-talkie and or other safety equipment.
  9. Retiring from the event
    If you need to retire from the event, do so at a staffed checkpoint where transport back to event HQ may be provided. Report your retirement in person at the event start or finish point.
  10. Team safety
    Each walking team must carry at least two mobile phones.
    Organisers must know your whereabouts during and after the event.
    You may be asked to use the Life 360 app for tracking, which can be removed after the event. Any issued equipment is subject to the terms of use.
  11. Alcohol:
    Participants are not allowed to undertake any event or activity under the influence of alcohol or other substances. Anyone found under the influence will not be permitted to participate.
  12. Additional People (Tagging On)
    Relatives, friends, partners, or anyone else are not allowed to join the event without permission, registration, and a safety brief. Unauthorised individuals will be asked to leave, and Overlimits will not be responsible for them. A fee will be sought from the charity or organisation they are tagging onto at the full event price.
  13. Safety – Lost walker/s
    Participants must ensure their mobile phones are protected from adverse weather, switched on, not set to silent, and password-free on the event day.
    Overlimits may call to establish your location for safety reasons.
    Overlimits may contact others who were seen with the lost walker/s.
    Overlimits may call you regarding a missing person (misper).
    Emergency services may be alerted after an initial search by Overlimits.
    Next of kin or the missing person’s mobile may be contacted.
    Lost walker procedures will be issued on the day of your event  
    Always remain in a team or group unless instructed otherwise.
    On marshaled events like the Y3P, stick to paths and follow written instructions.
    If lost, wait for others or return to the last known location, checkpoint or marshal.
  14. Food and refreshments
    Refreshment points are often available along our event routes, but it is recommended that you bring your own food and water as local suppliers may not always be open.
  15. Did not finish (DNF)
    For those who are unable to complete their challenge, Overlimits may offer a free place at another similar event that year. Please note that these places are discretionary and subject to availability and must be taken the same year as the original event.  
  16. Dogs
    Dogs are not allowed at Overlimits events without prior permission. If granted, you are fully responsible for your dog.
    Overlimits is not liable for any issues arising from your dog’s behaviour or interactions with other dogs.
    Your dog must always be under control.
    Owners must clean up after their dogs and dispose of waste properly.
    Keep dogs on a lead when walking through farmland with livestock, unless threatened by cows, in which case let the dog run free.
    Ensure your dog can handle the event’s distance without suffering.
    Provide sufficient water, food, and weather-appropriate gear for your dog.
    You are legally responsible for controlling your dog.
    Whistling or calling may not be sufficient, especially around livestock and may put you at risk of litigation or your dog at risk of harm from the farmer or landowner.
  17. Cattle and livestock
    Startled cattle and sheep can be unpredictable.
    Dogs: If approached by cattle, release your dog immediately as they are usually the target.
    Risk Assessment: Use best judgment when walking through livestock.
    If the risk is high, seek alternative routes.
    Incident Reporting: Report any alarming or harmful encounters to the event manager, who will notify the Health and Safety Executive.
    Farmer Liability: Farmers may face legal action if their livestock injures the public on a public right of way or open access or other land.
  18. Cancellation Policy
    All cancellations will be offered an alternative date, and no refunds will be provided.  Exceptional circumstances require us to take a pragmatic approach to maintain our business while fulfilling commitments.
  19. Cancellations by Overlimits
    We reserve the right to cancel an event due to unforeseen circumstances or unsuitable conditions. In such cases, we will offer an alternative date or a full refund if participants cannot attend any of the alternative dates provided, at our discretion. For “open” events with poor attendance, alternative dates will be offered to those who have paid and registered. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within 21 days prior to the event date.
    An exchange place may be available, subject to the completion of a booking form and availability, at our discretion.
    For the National 3 Peaks Challenge, The Lyke Wake Walk, and Hadrian’s Wall events, deposits are non-refundable.
    Once a payment is made, no refunds will be issued under any circumstances.
    Further payments are refundable under the above terms with a minimum of one month’s notice prior to the event.
  20. Equipment
    Customers are responsible for the safekeeping of all equipment issued during activities/courses.
    We reserve the right to charge for lost, damaged or misused equipment, except for fair wear and tear.
    Customers must repair or replace damaged/lost equipment within four weeks of notification.
    An invoice will be sent at the four-week point, with small claims court proceedings if payment is not made within 7 days of the invoice date.
    Overlimits is not liable for loss or damage to personal items during an event.
  21. Good conduct
    Respect plants, wildlife, and local infrastructure.
    Do not remove stones or damage any items.
    Collect any litter that you see (if safe to do so) and drop it off at our checkpoints or hand to a route guide/marshal.
    On the Yorkshire 3 Peaks, walk in single file on the road sections.
    Support local businesses by buying local and visiting pubs, bars, etc.
    Stick to designated paths to prevent erosion.
    Do not pollute streams or use them as lavatories.
    Car share or use public transport to reduce traffic pollution.
    Drive considerately, especially in local areas.
    Avoid loud music, horn beeping, and loud celebrations.
    Use gates and stiles fasten all gates after use avoid climbing over walls.
    Do not light fires.
    Obey The Country Code and the Laws and Byelaws of England and Wales.
    For Yorkshire 3 Peaks, walk in a well-led group with a map, compass, and safety equipment, or if skilled, use a GPS device.
    Waterproof instructions are available upon request.
  22. Insurances
    Overlimits strongly recommends that you have:
    Personal equipment insurance
    Personal life insurance
    Personal income /earnings protection
  23. Social media, Photographs, and Video
    By participating in this event, you agree that any photos taken may be used by Overlimits for marketing purposes. Photos taken by event marshals or staff will be used for their intended purpose only.
    You retain ownership of the intellectual property in your photos but grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use them in any media, including forms not yet developed. If you have concerns, please inform us at least 24 hours before the event. We will handle the situation tactfully.

    All images on this website are owned by Overlimits and cannot be used without permission. Unauthorised use will result in an invoice reflecting the market cost of a similar image. Temporary images given to clients for contracted events must not be used without specific permission. Fees will be sought for unauthorised use of images, videos, or other media owned by Overlimits. Images are billed at £295.00 each, and videos at £450.00 per clip.

  24. Hyperlinks
    This website ( may contain hyperlinks to other websites for convenience. We take no responsibility for the content, maintenance, or privacy compliance of any linked website. Hyperlinks do not imply our endorsement, support, or sponsorship of the linked website or its information/products.

    You may link to our website without our consent, but it is your responsibility and expense. You must not alter our website’s contents, including intellectual property notices, or frame/reformat any of our pages, files, images, text, or other materials.

  25. Intellectual Property Rights
    The copyright to all content on this website, including applets, graphics, images, layouts, and text, belongs to us or is licensed to us. All trademarks, brands, and logos identified with ™ or ® symbols are owned by us or licensed to us. Access to our website does not license you to use these marks commercially without our prior written permission.
    Any comments, feedback, ideas, or suggestions (“Comments”) you provide through this website become our property. We may use your Comments for promotional purposes without liability for similarities. You agree we can use your Comments for any purpose without compensation. You are responsible for the legality, originality, and copyright of your Comments.
  26. Further Liability
    The company shall not be liable for any delay or failure in delivering courses or fulfilling obligations due to causes beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, invasion, rebellion, riot, civil commotion, disorder, malicious damage, fire, flood, epidemic, quarantine restriction, strikes, severe weather, or energy supply issues.
  27. Liability
    The company will not be liable for any failure in performance or delivery due to:
    Actions by you or a third party unconnected with the course, unforeseeable or unavoidable events beyond the company’s control, such as acts of God, war, civil unrest, severe weather, or other unusual circumstances.
    The company is not liable for any illness, injury, or loss of life sustained during any course, except where caused by the company’s negligence.
    The company is also not liable for any uninsured loss of personal property.
  28. Complaints procedure
    We are committed to providing the highest level of service. However, we understand that there may be times when our service does not meet your expectations. If you have a complaint, we want to hear from you so we can resolve the issue and improve our services.
    Step 1: Initial Contact 
    Contact Us: If you have a complaint, please contact us as soon as possible. You can reach us via: Email:

    Provide Details: When you contact us, please provide the following details:
    Your name and contact information
    A description of your complaint
    Any relevant documents or evidence

    Step 2: Acknowledgement
    We will acknowledge your complaint within 7 working days.
    This acknowledgment will include:
    Confirmation that we have received your complaint
    The name of the person handling your complaint
    An estimated timeframe for resolving the issue

    Step 3: Investigation
    Investigation: Our team will investigate your complaint thoroughly. This may involve:
    Reviewing relevant documents and evidence
    Speaking with staff members involved
    Contacting you for further information if necessary

    Step 4. Resolution:
    We aim to resolve all complaints within 10 working days.
    If we need more time, we will keep you informed of our progress and provide a new timeframe for resolution

    Step 5: Response
    Once our investigation is complete, we will provide you with a written response. This response will include:
    A summary of our investigation
    Our findings and any actions we have taken
    Any further steps we will take to prevent similar issues in the future

  29. Disclaimers


    We provide our services with due care but do not offer any express or implied warranties, including merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Any implied warranties are excluded to the extent permitted by law.

    We ensure our website is free of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and malware, but are not responsible for any damage to your computer system from using our website or linked websites.

    We may host third-party content, such as advertisements and endorsements. Responsibility for this content rests with the owners, and we are not liable for any errors or omissions.

  30. Data

    Overlimits complies with The Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK GDPR.
    This applies to all employees, contractors and 3rd parties who process personal data on behalf of overlimits.

    We adhere to the following:
    Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency: Personal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner.
    Purpose Limitation: Data shall be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes.
    Data minimisation: Data collected shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary.
    Accuracy: Kept accurate and up to date
    Storage limitation: Data shall be kept in a form that permits identification of data subjects for no longer than necessary.
    Integrity and Confidentiality: Data shall be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security.

    Rights of data subjects:

    Right to be informed
    Right of access
    Right to rectification
    Right to erasure
    Right to restrict processing
    Right to data portability
    Right to object
    Rights related to automated decision making and profiling

    Data use:
    Personal data shall be used only for the purpose for which it was collected. Any new use of personal data must be compatible with the original purpose and must be communicated to the data subject.

    Data security
    We implement technical and organisational measures to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage.

    Data breach
    In the event of a data breech, we will:
    Notify the ICO within 72 hrs
    Inform affected data subjects if there is a high risk to their rights and freedoms
    Take steps to mitigate the breech and prevent further occurrences.

    Data Protection Impact Assessments
    DPIA’s shall be conducted for processing activities that are likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals.

    Compliance and enforcement
    We will regularly review and update this policy to ensure compliance with data protection laws. Non compliance with this policy may lead to disciplinary procedures.

    Questions or concerns regarding our policy or data protection practice should be directed to: Data Protection Officer

  31. Other
    Information is accurate at the time of publishing and provided in good faith.
    Address any navigation questions before departing.
    First Aid assistance will be available from event organisers, marshals, or designated support crew.
    Organisers may recommend withdrawal for those unfit to continue.
    Ignoring this advice means you are no longer their responsibility.
    Overlimits will tactfully advise participants to stop if necessary and offer a complimentary alternative date.
    Organisers may stop the event if conditions are dangerous, continuing is at your own risk.
    Secure car keys and valuables in your rucksack.
    Overlimits is not responsible for personal items.
  32. Disclaimer
    Overlimits, its employees, marshals, or agents cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to personal effects, accident, injury, or death, except where injury or death arises due to their negligence.
    By making a booking, you imply and accept that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these conditions.
  33. Acceptance of Good Conduct Guide and Terms and Conditions:
    I have read and agree to the terms and conditions and confirm that I am medically and psychologically fit to participate in the challenge.
    I am aware that it is my responsibility to inform Overlimits of any changes to my circumstances that may affect my ability to complete this challenge.
    By participating in an Overlimits event, signing up with any of our event partners or clients, or signing up directly with Overlimits, you agree to the above terms.

The Lyke Wake Walk 40 mile Challenge will take part on Friday 23rd August  finishing in the afternoon of Sat 24th Aug
(Bank Holiday weekend) 

The walk starts at 10:00pm and is expected to take approx 14-18hrs

It is a Mountain Leader guided and supported event with live tracking and safety checkpoints.

Places are limited.   

Unique medals commemorating your success 

The cost of this event is £75.00 per person and only when payment is made is your place secured. 

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